Policy changes help break the cycle of poverty

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Monday, June 17, 2019
Policy changes implemented to help break the cycle of poverty and build a better B.C. for vulnerable citizens will take effect July 1, 2019.
Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction clients will benefit from policy changes designed to further the goals of TogetherBC, the Province’s first poverty reduction strategy. TogetherBC is a cross-ministry plan that outlines what government will do to help reduce the rate of poverty in the province by 25% and cut child poverty in half over the next five years.
Policy changes taking effect July 1 include:
– decreasing the work search from five weeks to three weeks;
– ending penalties for families providing room and board to a family member
– expanding access to the identification supplement;
– expanding access and simplifying the application process for Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers programs;
– eliminating the “transient” client category;
– removing $10,000 asset limit on primary vehicle;
– increasing asset limits for people on income assistance; and
– expanding the moving supplement for people to move anywhere in B.C.
Additional changes will be made in the coming months to further improve ministry services and ensure that people are able to access the supports they need when trying to overcome social and economic barriers.
Addressing poverty is a shared priority between government and the BC Green Party caucus and is part of the Confidence and Supply Agreement.