
As an MLA, I am privileged to have the opportunity to speak from the floor of the BC Legislative Chamber. I get to engage in debate on bills and motions, as well as to celebrate the individuals, organizations and businesses that enrich Burnaby North. I welcome your ideas about what I could be profiling in our community.

Below is a set of videos from the BC Legislature of Janet helping advocate for the community she represents. More videos can be found on her YouTube page. If you would like to know more about how Janet has been helping advocate for her community please check out her social media and subscribe to the newsletter!


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2 Minute Statements: Feeding 4,500 people – Immigrant Link Centre Society

2 Minute Statements: BCIT’s contribution to the arts & creative industries

2 Minute Statements: Wildscaping Our Neighbourhood Society

2 Minute Statements: High Rise Loneliness and Isolation

2 Minute Statements: MLA Routledge on The Burnaby Heights

MLA Routledge on Motion 60: Activism Against Gender Based Violence

MLA Routledge on Bill 48

Federal Government Phoenix Pay Systems affecting British Columbians

Breast Cancer Awareness

Speaking in Support of the Circular Economy

Protecting our water supply, preventing watershed degradation

The struggles of gig workers

Lifelong learning for skilled trade workers in Burnaby

Paying tribute to working people

Gaia Cares opened a new program in Burnaby North

Janet speaks to Turkiye & Syria earthquake support in the Legislature 

World Family Doctor Day

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Statement on Bill10

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Reflection Poem

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Statements on Hop on Farms

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Hop On Farms will be closed permanently*

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Statements on Equal Pay

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Statements on the Gender Pay Gap

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Statements on International Women’s Day

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Playlist of all of Janet’s Legislature Speeches